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Open Monday to Friday, 5 am to 9 pm; Saturday, 6 am to 6 pm; Sunday 8 am to 5 pm.

$0 Joining Fee – Limited Time Offer – Join Today

Youth Swim Team

Dolphins Swim Teammate swimming in a competition

The Dolphins Swim Team trains athletes between the ages of 6 and 18 to become competitive swimmers. Our coaches will work with your child to set goals and commit to achieving them as a responsible member of the team.

Lifeguard Certification

lifeguard trainer listening for breathing on a practice dummy

Receive a 2-year lifeguard certification from the American Red Cross, as well as certifications in CPR, First Aid, and AED.

Liquid Gym

several participants balancing on water boards during a liquid gym class at the Y

The Liquid Gym offers high-intensity workouts without fear of injury. Using the resistance of the water and specialized equipment, you’ll get a great full-body workout.

Swim Lessons

teacher showing parents and children how to swim during class

An innovative curriculum designed to advance a swimmer’s skills and help them develop proficiencies in personal safety, submersion, stroke work, endurance, and physical fitness.