Are you ready for some Sneaker Ball? -Recess Edition style?
We defnitely are. As our community slowly opens a little more with each day, the Y is excited to be hosting an outdoor in-person community event in August.
Sneaker Ball: Recess Edition has been months in the planning. It is something new, meant to bring people together for a fun time, for a chance to mingle and laugh, and, as much as anything, to enjoy a much-needed diversion from the trials and tribulations that have marked so many of the past several months. It is also a chance to raise money for the cause-driven work of our charitable organization so that our facility, our programs and classes, and our family services are available not just to a few, but to all.
The event is a stand-in for the Y’s annual Sneaker Ball gala, which will return in 2022 … on Saturday, April 9, in fact. Be sure to save that date now.
The Y’s Signature Fundraising Event – Reimagined
The 2021 Sneaker Ball: Recess Edition is taking place Saturday, Aug. 21. It will be a jam-packed, fun-filled evening, capped off by an interactive showing of the feature film “Back to the Future.” Attendees will be transported back in time to 1985 so don’t be shy… Show up in your best 80s (or 50s!) garb for a chance to win some sweet prizes.
The event takes place on location at the Y. As the title suggests, this event will be 100 percent outdoors in the field and attendees will be treated to a variety of new and exciting activities to celebrate our ability to gather once again.

See more event details below in this blog post and on the Facebook event page. Also, as the event draws near, we will post on the Y’s social media feeds exciting details of the event and our online silent auction.
Pro Tip: For all you sports fans out there, we’ll be auctioning off two autographed Red Sox baseballs, one signed by a star performer on this year’s squad, another by a Boston Hall of Famer, now retired. These are going to go FAST.
Try as we might, we cannot keep this detail under wraps, either, because it is just too good: We are very excited to announce that the first 250 guests to check-in at the event will have the chance to roll the dice for a brand-new car, valued at $25,000, courtesy of Fenton Family Dealerships!
That is just for starters.
So, what’s included in the pod price?
Standard Pod Tickets Include:
** Entry to the event and your very own pod where you and 5 of your closest friends or family (for a total of 6 people per pod) can be together and enjoy the festivities.
** Charcuterie box for 6, courtesy of CC&D’s Market Kitchen, desserts by The Bread Shed and JCakes, and themed mocktails.
** Live entertainment while you eat.
** Popular lawn games.
** A chance to compete for fun prizes! Contests to include Best Sneakers, Best Decorated Pod, and others to be announced. Remember – it’s 1985! Dress accordingly.
** Opportunity to enter exclusive raffles for outstanding prizes donated by local businesses and community members.
** The opportunity to participate in the Y’s Mission Auction where you can donate funds to send a child to summer camp or swim lessons for FREE!
** Virtual Auction to benefit the Y’s Membership for All fund, allowing us to award financial assistance to families who need it so they can participate in the many Y programs available throughout the year.
** A full-length INTERACTIVE screening of cult classic “Back to the Future” on the big screen to close the evening.
VIP Pod Tickets also include:
** Early entry to the event – get a leg-up on the competition and decorate your pod and guarantee that you get to roll the dice for a new car!
** Premier seats for the movie – all VIP Pods in Rows 1 & 2
** Oversized pod
** Swag bags
** Your own personal server for the event – make yourself comfortable and we will wait on you!
** Free drinks (non-alcoholic)
This is an alcohol-free event, but attendees must still be 18 years of age or older.
All right, I’m convinced. Where do I get my ticket?
The field in front of the Y will be sectioned off into pods. Each ticket purchased is good for one pod, which will hold up to six guests. Masks and social distancing protocols at the time of the event will be determined by current state and local requirements.
Tickets are on sale, and pods are filling up. Reserve your pod online through Eventbrite by clicking here. On the event page, you can choose your pod through an interactive map of the venue. If you have any questions, please reach out to Colleen Manzi, Marketing Director at the Y, at 603.283.5580.
So, who are you going with? Your family? Your best friends? Your favorite work colleagues? A triple date with two other couples?
You do not need to have six people to a pod; that is the maximum each pod will accommodate. However, the cost of the pod is the same, no matter the number of people in it.
We cannot wait to finally come together to celebrate and show our support for this wonderful community. We hope you can join us.
We wish to briefly thank those sponsors that have donated to underwrite Sneaker Ball: Recess Edition so far. Without them, this event would not be possible. They are Savings Bank of Walpole, Fenton Family Dealerships, Mascoma Bank, The Stage Restaurant, CMG Financial, John and Connie Schlegelmilch and C&S Wholesale Grocers.